Full/Fill was founded with the sole mission of encouraging positivity, mental-wellbeing and freedom of expression. 

Born and raised in South London to Irish & Egyptian parents, I relish the opportunity to live and work in a city where creative collaboration is so alive and full of limitless pathways. Driven by human connection and the desire to be a positive force to all I meet, I consider myself to be in the business of helping people full/fill (you’re welcome) their potential, thus leading infinitely happier lives. 

After spending a very enjoyable 3 years at university in York, I moved back to London with a spring in my step, a new shiny guitar in tow, ready to be the next…. Jeff Buckley. I fell into a job in the City and was still there 6 years later. It was fine, but I wanted more than ‘fine’. After dabbling in the world of media I decided to take the plunge and go it alone. And three successful businesses later I feel compelled to impart what wisdom I have acquired to date, and help you also to realise that anything is possible

Life coach describing coaching against brick wall

I wholeheartedly believe that if you’re in this line of work, really you’ve been doing it your whole life. 

Maybe you’re the oldest of four siblings (“hello!”) or you’ve always just been that person your friends turn to for guidance or a little advice here and there. 

Whether or not you subscribe to Jung’s ‘wounded healer’ theory, just from a commonsensical point of view; those who have been ‘through the mill’ will be able to count on their own experiences when helping others. 

My childhood and 20’s were eventful, to say the least. I guess, both ordinary & tumultuous in equal measure. I was lucky to have a very loving upbringing but our family had to contend with lots of challenges over the years that we’re still learning to cope with today. Basically, my sister and Mum died. Way too young. I will never fully ‘get over’ this, but I have learned to live with it now. It’s difficult to find anything positive to come from these experiences, but it has shown me how precious life is and how important it is to live the life you want to lead.

I’ve always been fascinated by the tension between needing to make the most out of life and being content with an ordinary, ‘good-enough’ existence. Questions that have kept me up at night: 

Does long-term life-satisfaction require you to exert yourself to fulfil your potential? Is there anything wrong with not ambitiously developing your gifts? 

There is no right or wrong answer to these. Everyone will have their own view on what is acceptable for them. A few more:

What if I just want to live for the weekend, is that wrong? I can afford to go on a couple holidays each year, do I need more than that? So what if I hate my job, it’s the same for everyone right? 

These are acceptable questions to some. But I have a feeling, since you’re on this website, these questions have already emphatically been answered. 

Having worked (far too long!) in a job I disliked, I successfully switched careers which, in hindsight, put the wheels in motion for a much happier life. 

A good indicator; are you getting to Sunday evening and dreading the week ahead? Many accept that as just a part of life. I don’t. In fact, I feel that this should be the first step in questioning where you’re at in life. Maybe you’re 60 and can see your pension on the horizon. But maybe you’re 35. Do you really want another 30 years of this? 

Let’s have a chat. Book a FREE Session here

A little more about me…

Outside of work and family life, I continue to have as much fun as possible and love painting, playing the guitar, learning to play the piano, playing football, Yoga, long cycle rides, taking photos at my own live music nights, getting lost in London and most of all… travelling the world!